Travel tips

Delhi as a city can seem a little daunting. But trust us when we say the people are very hospitable & generous. There’s a saying for the Delhiites ‘Dillwallon ka sheher’ i.e. a city of large hearted people. However, like any place, Delhi is unique with its own characteristics. Here are some tips that will help you be a smart traveller & enjoy Delhi like a true Delhiite.

STAY. Delhi’s hotels are extremely expensive. If your budget doesn’t permit the luxuries of these lavish hotels, Delhi also offers several options for ‘Bed n Breakfast’, ‘Guest Houses’ & ‘Inns’. If you choose the right one – it saves the wallet a heart ache, they are clean, right in the midst of the town, they’re homely & most importantly safe.

The Delhi Way. Book yourself in a Bed n Breakfast located in one of the better residential complexes. You get a glimpse of how Delhiites live, with the comforts of a hotel & warmth of a house.

TRANSPORTATION.Varied forms of public & private transportation is available to commute within the city. From radio cabs that you can call for, to black & yellow taxis that you can hail on the road. Autos (3-wheelers) to cycle rickshaws and from the recent metro service to the red & green bus service.

The Delhi Way. Get into an auto & ensure the auto driver uses the meter to avoid haggling. If you’re a woman traveling on the metro, get into the ladies section.

WEATHER. Delhi climate is extreme. During summers the temperatures rise as high as 45° Celsius. The best time to visit Delhi is during the winter and the spring months when the weather is ideal for exploring the city.


The Delhi Way. Enjoy great weather along with the festivities in the months starting from September to February.

LANGUAGE. Knowing the local tongue will take you a long way. While most people understand & converse in English; it will be easier if you make yourself familiar with a few key Hindi words/phrases in order to get your way around especially with the street vendors, rickshaw drivers etc.

The Delhi Way. Hello/ goodbye ‘namaste’ (fold your hands while saying this); Thank you ‘shukriya’; I’m sorry ‘maaf karna’; Ok ‘achha’; How much? ‘kitna hua’… if you’re keen to learn more words (including some harmless abuses) email us & we’ll get back to you.

TIPPING. Taxi drivers normally expect a tip from a foreign tourist. Depending on the final fare a 10% tip should be fine. For restaurants and bars again 10% would suffice.

The Delhi Way. Tip to get a timely and efficient service. If there is a service charge included in the bill, no need to give a tip.

PLACES OF WORSHIP.You will find a church, a hindu temple, a gurudwara, a mosque, a jain temple here in Delhi. Each different in their offerings, rituals & structures.

The Delhi Way.Respect all religions & their customs.Take off your shoes outside by the entrance, cover your head & donate some money towards the upkeep of the place.

BARGAINING. Whether it’s a designer shop or a street vendor, most outlets in Delhi give a discount. Its called the art of bargaining. Understand how its done, observe others & play the game.

The Delhi Way. Never hesitate or be embarassed to ask for a discount. Bargaining is really an integral part of a Delhiites shopping experience.

MONUMENT FEE. Most monuments charge a fee for entry. Don’t be shocked to see a different fee for an Indian resident & a different one for the foreigners. This is not a scam, just a rule ordered by the Indian government. Moreover, camera & video filming (if allowed) would be an additional charge.

The Delhi Way. We try not breaking the rules.

PERSONAL BELONGINGS. Delhi is densely populated. You never know who you run or bump into – next thing your wallet is missing or your mobile has disappeared.

The Delhi Way.Be alert, be careful! Carry as little as possible when visiting shops or sightseeing. Keep your handbag in front, be aware of your surroundings and never leave your mobile on a table even for a second.

BEGGARS. Depending on what part of Delhi you go to, you might come across beggars – kids, women, the elderly, physically handicapped.

The Delhi Way.If you must, give in kind and not in cash.